Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Listen to the voice of the Iranian prisoners

These are the voices of millions of Iranians These odors have been witness to hundreds of street executions They have come out of the darkroom Iran These speakers are 80 million Iranians These are the new generation in Iran These aspirations finally found itself on the MKO...
Release political prisoners shabnam
The protesters also say the billions of dollars in cash the U.S. shipped to Iran, plus the West’s release of frozen Iranian bank assets, already have been diverted to Iran’s expansionist armies in Iraq, Syria and elsewhere.
Release political prisoners  Arash
“Every deal, every negotiation with the regime, it means additional gallows in Iran,” says Shabnam Madadzadeh, 29, who gained fame as a student organizer at Tehran’s Tarbiat Moalem University. She spent five harsh years in confinement, including in Iran’s notorious Evin prison, but she did not break.
Release political prisoners Farzad
Just a few weeks ago, Ms. Madadzadeh escaped her home country via a clandestine network operated by the People’s Mujahedeen of Iran, or MEK. She surfaced in Paris and appeared Saturday at a conference with other Iranians opposed to the hard-line mullahs who run the country.
Paris Conference and the presence of released prisoners
“Iranian people do not want negotiations with this regime, and they hate appeasement policy with this regime,” Ms. Madadzadeh told The Washington Times. “They want the world, European governments and United Nations and the U.S. to stay firmly against the regime’s policy of violence against human rights — the regime’s crimes in Iran and Syria and exporting terrorism in the world. Iranian people want a change in regime by themselves and resistance.”

Friday, November 11, 2016

Corruption in high and low poverty

Corruption in Iran under the mullahs is nothing new The number of high unemployment and the number of street children and runaways represents Our society has become poorer And the authorities have become Richer...
Dr. Sanabargh Zahedi

Judiciary Commission of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) on Tuesday, November 8, held an online conference on performance of Ali Khamenei, the Iranian regime Supreme Leader, entitled “Corruption has rotten the very fabric of the mullahs’ regime.”
waits for a medical exam as part of the process of selling his kidney

Dr. Sanabargh Zahedi, Chair of the NCRI Judiciary Commission, said in the conference: “Khamenei is responsible for various aspects of financial and moral corruption. He has made some of his forces scapegoat to cover up endemic corruptions in the regime’s structure.”

Iranian doctor carries a kidney from a kidney 

“While Iranian people are suffering from poverty and hunger, the Iranian regime leaders have plundered billions of dollars from people wealth and they themselves admit that they are unable to end this corruption that has engulfed all sectors of the government,” he said.