Monday, July 4, 2016

The man who fought all his life for humanity.

Iran- Some people are immortal Elie Wiesel was one of those men And the people of Iran had such a defender.
 He saw not only Hitler's crimes but also crimes committed by the mullahs of Iran in the twenty-first century One of them in twentieth century and the other in the twenty-first century He saw two massacres in history.
Elie Wiesel
Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel, the Romanian-born Holocaust survivor whose classic “Night” became a landmark testament to the Nazis’ crimes and launched Wiesel’s long career as one of the world’s foremost witnesses and humanitarians, has died at age 87.
Wiesel was born in Romania in 1928.
Hitler's massacre
At age 15, while pursuing Jewish studies, he and his family were taken by the Nazi's to Auschwitz, where his mother and younger sister died. 
Wiesel survived Auschwitz, but was later transferred to Buchenwald, where his father perished. 
Wiesel's experiences in the concentration camps became the basis for his book 'Night', which won him the Nobel Peace Prize in 1986.
Wiesel was liberated from the camp in 1945 and went on to study at the Sorbonne in Paris from 1948 until 1951.
He became a journalist and learned French, which became the primary language he wrote in publications.

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