Friday, September 16, 2016

Amazing welcomed the transfer of Mojahedin

Why removal of the MKO from Iraq was the first Internet? Why is this news for several days in a row are the world's first؟ This support reflects the legitimacy of the Iranian Resistance This support reflects the universal hatred of the rulers of Iran...
Great triumph for the Iranian people's resistance 
Today, we learned that after 13 years of painstaking work in defence of the security, and to protect the rights of members and supporters of the Poeple's Mojahedin Organisation of Iran (PMOI), in Camp Ashraf and in later Camp Liberty in Iraq, finally, all members and supporters of the organisation, have officially been accepted by the government of Albania and all have been moved to that country.
Maryam Rajavi is greeted by jubilant Iranians for victory of Camp Liberty Relocation
Undoubtedly, today counts as a great and historic day for the democratic opposition and resistance of the Iranian people and all of us as supporters of this liberation movement.
During the last 13 years, the Iranian regime employed all possible destructive tactics against the PMOI in Iraq.
 Senator Thom Tillis
The regime provided extensive financial and military support for the terrorist groups in Iraq, resulting in 8 missile attacks against the innocent residents of Camps Ashraf and Liberty in Iraq.
Such assaults left 141 dead, hundreds wounded and 7 hostages, from whom, 6 are women and there is no trace of them. The regime’s intention was either to force the PMOI members to surrender or the complete destruction of the PMOI organisation. Despite the Iranian regime’s expansive and destructive efforts, thanks to their own heroic resistance in Camps Ashraf and Liberty, as well as their countless international campaigns the Iranian resistance was victorious.

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